Import into the triple-store

We have several tools to import data inside PHO-KB.


This tool imports the data from LOTUS and Napralert inside a new Triple-store: data/pho_processed.

Currently with regard to bioactivities, it imports only pain related evidences from Napralert for demonstration purpose.

graph LR; LOTUS[LOTUS] --> TI[[Taxonomy Importer]] N[NAPRALERT] --> TI TI -->|Aligns with| GNFinder TI -->|Harmonized taxonomical data| TS[(Triple Store
RDF4J)] subgraph Types Importer RI[[Results Types Importer]] AI[[Activities Types Importer]] ETI[[Evidences Types Importer]] end N --> RI RI --> TS N --> AI AI --> TS N --> ETI ETI --> TS N --> PI[[Pain Evidences Importer]] PI --> TS style TS fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0.5px